News and updates from Education Works - providing innovative, effective
support programmes in reading, speaking, listening and maths.
This term Clare has been working with teachers and teaching
assistants in the Bradford area, delivering the Elklan course 'Speech
and Language support for 5-11s'. The course provides information and
strategies which develop communication skills for all children, but
especially those with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN).
The teachers and teaching assistants have been getting a thorough grounding in how children speak, listen and learn. They have been learning more about: the nature of communication; how we develop working memory; how to modify our speech to encourage understanding and the development of expressive language. They have also been learning how to support children who have specific speech and language difficulties.
She had an enthusiastic response; participants reflected on how the course had impacted their skills and those of the children they teach...
"Very informative... given me a good understanding and knowledge of SLC... a pleasure to attend, all adults working with children should be aware of and learn about these subjects... amazing, really enjoyable...very valuable course, I would recommend it to others"
"I know that my practice in the classroom has changed for the better. Now I find myself more confident in sharing information with people other than my peers."
"I really liked being able to take the lessons into class and being able to work with the children."
"Now rather than relying on an adult to prompt or even scribe, she is able to use her mind map for reference enabling her to complete tasks with much higher level of independence."
To access Clare's next Elklan Training or for bespoke training in your school or LA contact her directly at