Education Works consultant Clare Reed

"a true source of inspiration"

Clare Reed our lead Speaking & Listening consultant. More>

Bespoke consultancy to address the speaking and listening difficulties faced by today's children.



We have for many years collated quantitative data for talkingpartners@primary (TP@P), which consistently highlights the effectiveness of the programme as an intervention. Over the years, results from many varied schools and Early Years settings across the UK continue to show accelerated gains in pupils' productive oral language. Using a standardised assessment Renfrew Language Scales: Action Picture Test, two areas of productive oral language are measured: Information given and grammar used.  During a 10 week programme pupils typically make over 18 months progress in their productive oral language. The latest data report for 2018-19 indicates even greater results with gains in information of over two years and two months and gains in grammar of over eighteen months. For the first time we have also been able to include evidence of international successes. A complete picture can been seen in the full 2019 talkingpartners@primary data report. TP@P is an ongoing long term success story.

As we have done with TP@P's sister programme BR@P, we have decided to collate examples of good practice; case studies, which help us to get behind the figures and deepen our understanding of the benefits of the programme in different settings and even in different education systems. These studies range from rigorous academic reports to working documents, snippets of evidence or short personal reflections.

TP@primary Case Studies

Our aim is to add to these case studies year on year and build a library of good practice.

1: The impact of TP@P across a cohort of schools
2: TP@P gains mapped to average points scores
3: TP@P gains mapped to 'Blank Levels'
4: TP@P in Northern Ireland - the impact on writing
5: TP@P - an Australian Model
6: TP@P in translation - Action Research in Iceland

Share your TP@P success stories

These studies make fascinating reading. We are very grateful to everyone who has taken the time to share their work with us. In addition, many thanks to all those who took part in the original studies.

Do you have your own TP@P success story? Do you have good practice to share? If so please contact

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