News and updates from Education Works - providing innovative, effective
support programmes in reading, speaking, listening and maths.


Learning Journeys

Learning Journeys is on-going work that is being developed with a Bradford school - Brackenhill Primary. We are producing a Learning Journey for the creative curriculum in Y2 and Y5 that shows how much children have learned over half a term. The intention is to work across all classrooms with some common links that other schools will need to be aware of.

It is not simply about what the children are learning, but how they are learning. The key is to make the learning relevant to the needs and interests of all pupils. Pupils have a voice with direct involvement in the design and evaluation of the curriculum.

Take a look at three example Learning Journey 'drawings'. These are what the corridor displays will probably look like at the end of the unit. "I like the 'Look at how much we've learned' tag on every wall - that's what it's all about" says Sam Adams from Education Works.

We've also created a useful checklist to support practice. The checklist has been developed by EW Ltd, drawing inspiration from, and building on, a variety of previously available resources.

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