News and updates from Education Works - providing innovative, effective
support programmes in reading, speaking, listening and maths.
We have just published our 2014-5 data report for talkingpartners@primary. Research suggests that in terms of intervention, anything over twice the rate of expected progress is statistically significant. The programme continues to have a massive impact with pupils making six times the rate of expected progress in their productive language.
Gains were measured with the Renfrew Action Picture Test. This standardised assessment contains raw and age equivalent scores for oral competence; it includes scores both for the amount of information provided (I) and grammatical structures used (G), in response to a range of questions. This year, as ever, pupils have made excellent progress with gains of 1 year, 5 months (I) and 1 year, 4 months (G).
We have always know that talkingpartners@primary has the potential to impact on writing. Trainers have often shared their perceptions, e.g.
' My first target group was year 2 and we withdrew TAs from other
year groups so Y2 had everyone that needed the intervention in a group.
My KS1 data has gone from 2b + = 61% reading in 2014 to 79% 2015, and
writing from 57% to 68%... We used other strategies/ interventions
alongside TP@P, eg the same group of TAs came in to do daily guided
reads, but I'm convinced as are the staff that TP@P had a significant
impact on standards this year.'
(Evidence from a School on the Wirral)
For the first time we have case study evidence, of the effect on writing. Evidence drawn from 37 pupils in Northern Ireland indicates that TP@P can have a direct impact on writing attainment. 34 out of these 37 low attaining pupils achieved age related expectations in writing at the end of KS1.
Click here to read more details about the impact on writing and the full TP Report 2015.
We would like to thank all the TP@P Trainers, Coordinators, Partners, Pupils, Schools and Local Authorities who helped us to compile these reports.